Editing, proofreading and post-editing

Make you're your text shine.
Have you read your own text so often that you no longer know how it actually sounds? Are you no longer sure whether you've really filtered out all the errors? Perhaps you need a new pair of eyes to create a straightforward, error-free text. Or does your text come off well technically, but you don't find it particularly beautiful?
Then call us and ask about our editing and proofreading services.

We offer different types of proofreading and editing to suit your needs, no matter condition your text is in. Was it written by a native speaker who needs a few more tips on punctuation? We'll dot the i's, drop in a few commas to separate long sentences, and suggest ways to make it more readable. Was it written by a non-native speaker? We'll rewrite it so it sounds more natural.
Or maybe you've thrown your text into a machine translator and need someone to look over the results. Our trained editors (or in this case, post-editors) evaluate and correct machine translations where necessary. After all, technology has come a long way, but these translations in particular still need the human touch. Especially when it comes to taking your target audience, corporate language and desired style and tone under consideration.
If you only want to understand the text content of a machine-generated translation, a minor correction (light post-editing) is often sufficient, in which only the translation errors are corrected. But if it's the style and your particular corporate language that matters, then we really take our time and completely revise the translation (full post-editing). This way we ensure that not only the translation and meaning are correct, but also the linguistic and stylistic quality of the target text.
No matter what your wishes are, we will produce translations that are a perfect fit for you.
Once our proofreaders have finished with your text, it will be linguistically flawless and ready for publication. In any language!
We edit:

Annual reports

Blog and social media posts

Company magazines

Headlines and slogans

Press releases

Sustainability reports

User manuals

White papers
In editing, stylistic and structural changes are generally permissible. In proofreading, editing is limited to grammatical and syntactical errors.
Post-editing is necessary because the raw version of machine-generated translations is rarely sufficient for practical use.
Post-editing is required for any machine-generated translation that needs to be error-free and sound natural.
There are two types of post-editing: light and full. Light post-editing only checks the correctness and accuracy of the translation, while full post-editing additionally considers style, tone, and structure.