Industry and engineering

How the gears of language turn smoothly at wordinc
When it comes to technical documentation, the translations have to fit perfectly - just like the machine parts themselves. They should be a perfect fit and standardized so that the content can be conveyed flawlessly. But that's not all: this is not just a matter of simply translating texts, but also of precisely and accurately transferring technical terms, terminology and complex content. This is where wordinc's expertise comes in: we specialize in technical translations - our services mesh like cogs to best meet your requirements.

We know that the translation of technical documentation and operating instructions is a major challenge, as it often involves the convergence of several (specialist) languages and fields of expertise. Our large team of experienced technical translators, project managers and proofreaders therefore work closely with you to ensure that every job is completed with the utmost care and precision. We use the latest technologies and tools to optimize the translation process while ensuring the highest quality. This way, we can guarantee that your projects will be completed quickly and efficiently.
Working with wordinc also allows you to meet the requirements of EU regulations to include documentation for your products in the local language of the target market.
Whether it is the translation of manuals, safety data sheets, presentations or patent specifications - we provide you with customized solutions that meet your requirements.
Our technical translators are not only capable of correctly translating the technical content, but also take cultural and regional differences into account, if necessary, to ensure optimal communication with the target group. We rely on the highest quality standards and ensure that every translation meets your requirements.
We translate for you:

Instruction manuals

User and guide manuals

Technical documentation for fire protection

Documentation and circuit diagrams of equipment


Technical articles and website texts

Facility documentation

Manuals and standard work instructions

Installation schematics

Marketing materials

Product descriptions, catalogs and brochures

Product specifications

Audit report

Technical documentation of electrical installations

Thanks to the large network of professional translators built up over 16 years, wordinc also specializes in translations of texts from the fields of industry and technology, as well as documentation. The field of technical translations has always been an important branch of the company from the very beginning.
wordinc works with experienced professional translators, project managers and proofreaders and uses the latest technologies and tools to optimize the translation process and ensure the highest quality. The use of CAT tools also saves time and money.
wordinc translates manuals, technical drawings, presentations, patent specifications and many other types of technical documentation.
wordinc offers technical translations in more than 30 commercial languages.