Jake Baskin – Translator, Editor and Head of Content Creation

Name: Jake Baskin
Nickname (current or previous): Jakey Poodle (thanks for that one, Mom)
From: The United States
Job-title: Editor
A surprising fact about myself: I collect fountain pens and write backwards in mirror script like da Vinci.
Favorite place in Hamburg and why: The Loki-Schmidt-Garten, Hamburg’s botanical garden. It’s beautiful and peaceful and when it rains, the fish in the pond come up to the surface because they think the raindrops are fish food.
Favorite foreign language and why: German. It’s everything I aspire to be: confident, consistent, and beloved throughout the DACH region.
Best part about working for wordinc: I am given space to grow and take on new, meaningful challenges.
Telefon: +49 40 300 30 59-50