Christina Wöhlke – Founder and CEO
Name: Christina Wöhlke
Nickname (current or previous): Too many to name here ;-)
From: Hamburg
Job-title: All-rounder
A surprising fact about myself: I actually never wanted to start my own business.
Favorite place in Hamburg and why: St. Georg. I just love the atmosphere there, especially between the Alster and Lange Reihe.
Favorite foreign language and why: Spanish. I love the country, the people, the food and wine, and the way the language is spoken. And with it, you can make new contacts in so many countries.
Best part about working for wordinc: It’s still exciting even after 16 years. And I’m grateful for the opportunities it has given me to develop personally, opportunities I wouldn’t have had otherwise.
Telefon: +49 40 300 30 59-59